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Attorneys Albert Cohen and Charles Haviv

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Arm Nerve Injuries From a Motor Vehicle Accident in NYC: Queens Car Accident Lawyer

On Behalf of | Aug 14, 2020 | Car Accidents, Injuries |

Understanding Brachial Plexus Injuries: Queens Car Accident Lawyer Explains Arm Nerve Injuries from a Motor Vehicle Accident in NYC

Arm Nerve Injuries From a Motor Vehicle Accident in NYC: Queens Car Accident Lawyer

There are many different types of personal injuries which could be caused by a motor vehicle accident.  One of the most debilitating types of personal injuries are arm nerve injuries from a motor vehicle accident in NYC.  These arm nerve injuries are actually to a bundle of nerves that are called the brachial plexus.  These nerves govern motor movement, sensation, strength, and other functions in the arm, hand, and fingers.  Our Queens car accident lawyer knows that brachial plexus injuries are common in any type of motor vehicle accident, especially trucking accidents, bus crashes, or other large vehicle collisions due to the force of impact and a seatbelt.

Therefore, if you or a loved one were seriously injured in any type of motor vehicle accident in NYC, call our experienced Queens car accident lawyer at Cohen and Cohen Law Group, P.C. to learn how we can help protect your rights to compensation under New York law.  Our compassionate and knowledge legal team has dedicated their careers to protecting the rights of victims and their families who have been seriously injured or wrongfully killed due to the negligence of another person, business, or government entity.  Contact our law firm for a FREE consultation to learn how we can help you.

What is the Brachial Plexus?

Arm Nerve Injuries From a Motor Vehicle Accident in NYC: Queens Car Accident Lawyer

Arm nerve injuries from a motor vehicle accident in NYC are almost always to the brachial plexus nerves.  This is a bundle of nerves which originates from the cervical spine or neck.  These nerves come out of the spinal cord and extend in the base of the neck.  They then travel behind your collar bone and in front of your trap muscle in a space called the interscalene groove.  

Arm Nerve Injuries From a Motor Vehicle Accident in NYC: Queens Car Accident Lawyer

The nerves bundled together into one large cord known as the brachial plexus. They continue to the front of the shoulder and begin to go down the biceps and break into large branches.  The branches split and partially recombine at the elbow, then split again on the other side of the elbow and extend to the wrist.  This is where they combine one last time through the bottom of the wrist and branch off into many different little—and sensitive—nerves.

The brachial plexus nerves control movement of muscles (motor function), sensation, strength, and other functions of the arm.  This means that damage to the brachial plexus can affect these types of functions temporarily or permanently depending on the damage.

How Does the Brachial Plexus Get Injured in a Motor Vehicle Accident in NYC?

Our Queens car accident lawyer knows that arm nerve injuries from a motor vehicle accident in NYC could result from many different mechanisms.  The two mechanisms are penetrating injuries and force/pull injuries.

Penetrating injuries are damage caused by debris from a motor vehicle accident which cut into the shoulder, arm, or neck and physically contact and rupture the nerves.  This means that the nerves are cut, damaged, deformed, or otherwise injured.

Force/pull injuries are when the force of the impact caused the brachial plexus nerves to severe, rupture, or become avulsed.  The most common mechanism is the seat belt which holds the shoulder back but the rest of the arm or head could still swing forward.  This could result in the brachial plexus nerves being held tight in the middle of the “string” at the shoulder between the neck and the fingers.  As a result, damage usually is caused at the pressure point of the seat belt in the shoulder or in the cervical spine where nerves could be even pulled out of the spinal cord.  This requires emergency treatment.

Trucking accidents, bus accidents, high speed collisions, and other forceful impacts with large vehicles are most likely to cause these types of serious arm nerve injuries from a motor vehicle accident in NYC.  This is because of the increased force in a collision due to higher momentum, but also because these types of motor vehicle impacts are more likely to cause penetrating debris.

Did You Suffer an Arm Nerve Injury in Any type of New York Motor Vehicle Accident?  Call Our Queens Car Accident Lawyer at Cohen and Cohen

Victims who have suffered a serious arm nerve injury from a motor vehicle accident NYC may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, medical bills, lost wages, future lost earnings, property damage, and other expenses related to the New York crash.  Our experienced Queens car accident lawyer at Cohen and Cohen Law Group, P.C. can work to help protect your rights to compensation under New York law.  

Learn how we can help you in a FREE consultation by dialing 800-247-8164 for a FREE case evaluation or use our convenient and easy-to-use contact us box available here. Also know that there is NO UPFRONT COST to having our law firm begin working on your case, as we accept personal injury cases on a contingency fee agreement which means we only get paid once we collect compensation for you in a settlement or court award.
