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Attorneys Albert Cohen and Charles Haviv

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Queens Delivery Van Accidents: Causes and Common Injuries

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2020 | Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck Accidents |

Understanding Queens Delivery Van Accidents: Common Causes and Injuries Explained by our Queens Delivery Van Accident Lawyers

Delivery vans are a type of commercial vehicle.  While they are not as large as most other commercial vehicles like an 18 wheeler or tanker, delivery vans can cause destructive accidents.  With the current COVID-19 pandemic, delivery vans are becoming more common because most people are not willing to venture out for groceries or other necessities.  Some people may even be under mandatory or precautionary quarantine and therefore cannot venture out.  While many delivery vans, their drivers, and their companies are doing an essential and necessary job for our society, unfortunately there are going to be more Queens delivery van accidents that result in serious personal injuries for innocent people.

Here at COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. , we understand that delivery vans are a necessary part of stabilizing our society during the coronavirus epidemic known as COVID-19.  However, this does not give delivery van drivers a license to drive recklessly.  Victims injured in Queens delivery van accidents are going to suffer serious, debilitating, and often permanent injuries.  Some families may even lose a loved one due to a delivery van driver rushing to make deliveries.  If you or a loved one have been seriously injured, or if a loved one was wrongfully killed, ask our lawyers who handle Queens delivery van accidents how we can help you today.

Why Deliver Van Accidents are Different Than Other Types of Car Crashes

Delivery vans are much larger than passenger vehicles.  This means they are also heavier, especially when they are fully loaded with cargo for deliveries.  Some UPS, FedEx, Amazon, and other delivery vans can weigh up to 25,000 lbs.  This dwarfs most smaller, passenger vehicle which are typically between 3,000 and 5,000 lbs. 

This heavier weight means more momentum is generated, even at lower speeds.  This momentum becomes a powerful force in a collision.  A larger delivery van is simply could to cause significant damage on a smaller vehicle, especially a passenger vehicle which could be about one-eighth (1/8) of the weight.

Common Causes of Queens Delivery Van Accidents

There are many possible causes of Queens delivery van accidents.  Unfortunately, they are usually due to the reckless, careless, and downright negligent conduct of a delivery van driver, company, or sometimes a mechanical or repair company.  The most common causes of delivery van accidents in NYC, Queens, and Long Island include the following:

  • Rushing drivers who make hasty errors
  • Speeding
  • Failure to stop or yield the right-of-way
  • Following too closely
  • Starting and merging into traffic without looking
  • Failing to check blindspots 
  • Distracted driving, especially using GPS or a cell phone
  • Driving too fast during inclement weather, even if that means below the speed limit
  • Improper maintenance or defective products like tires, and
  • Many other common causes.

Personal Injuries from Queens Delivery Van Accidents

Victims who are involved in a delivery van wreck could easily be seriously injured.  This is particularly true if they are a pedestrian, bicyclists, or motorcyclists.  During the current COVID-19 situation, many people are avoiding public transport and walking biking, or using alternative means to get to work—especially as the weather improves.  This is only increasing the risk for a pedestrian knockdown with a commercial vehicle like a delivery van.

Some of the most common types of personal injuries due to Queens delivery van accidents include the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Spinal cord injuries (SCIs)
  • Paralysis including paraplegia or quadriplegia
  • Broken bones or fractured bones, including compound fractures or compression fractures
  • Road rash injuries
  • Organ damage
  • Nerve injuries, including brachial plexus injuries
  • Shoulder injuries or knee injuries, including the need for a scope
  • Amputations
  • Wrongful death, and
  • Many other types of personal injuries.

Injured by a Delivery Van?  Ask Our Queens Car Accident Lawyers for Help

Victims of a Queens delivery van accident should ask COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. for help with their claim.  This is because insurance carrier aggressively fight for their corporate clients and will do everything in their power to undervalue your claim or diminish your injuries.  We will not let that happen.  Learn more about how we can help protect your rights to compensation by calling 800-247-8164 for a FREE case evaluation or use our convenient and easy-to-use contact us box available here.  There is no upfront cost and we only get paid after you get paid.
