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Attorneys Albert Cohen and Charles Haviv

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Injuries from Being Hit by a Car: Queens Pedestrian Knockdown Lawyers

On Behalf of | Mar 6, 2020 | Car Accidents, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents |

Queens Pedestrian Knockdown Lawyers Explain Injuries from Being Hit by a Car

Injuries from being hit by a car are usually serious or catastrophic. This is because pedestrians do not have airbags, seatbelts, or even the steel shell around a car to protect them. Being hit by a car can also result in the wrongful death of an innocent person. According to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, there are approximately 6,300 fatal pedestrian knockdowns in the United States each year. In New York City, Queens, Forest Hills, and the rest of Long Island, pedestrian collisions are a common occurrence. Victims with injuries from being hit by a car should ask our Queens pedestrian knockdown lawyers for help recovering compensation for their pain and suffering, lost wages, medical bills, and other damages.

Here at COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. , we understand that no one plans to be hit by a car, have large medical bills, or lose time from work. But we also understand that this happens to far too many New Yorkers. This is why we accept personal injury cases such as pedestrian knockdowns after being hit by a car on a contingency fee arrangement. Under this type of agreement, victims and their families only pay our law firm a percentage of what we recover for them in any settlement or award. This allows victims and their families to keep the reduced income from lost wages to pay their increasingly high medical bills. If you are a loved ones have been seriously injured in a pedestrian knockdown, or if a loved one was wrongfully killed after being hit by a motor vehicle, call our Queens pedestrian knockdown lawyers to learn how we can begin protecting your rights today.

Common Causes of Pedestrian Knockdown Collisions

There are many reasons why pedestrian knockdown collisions result in serious personal injuries to New Yorkers each year. Most of the common causes of pedestrian knockdowns are due to reckless, careless, and downright negligent conduct on behalf of the driver. This means that most accidents where pedestrians are hit by a car could be completely avoided if motorists acted reasonably to avoid a collision.

Some of the most common causes of pedestrian knockdowns and being hit by a car in Queens include the following:

  • Drunk driving or drugged driving
  • Speeding
  • Aggressive driving
  • Distracted driving such as using a cell phone
  • Following too closely or tailgating
  • Jumping a light
  • Failing to yield
  • Running a stop sign or red light
  • Making an unsafe left turn
  • Jumping the curb
  • Making a turn at a higher rate of speed, and 
  • Many other common causes.

Common Injuries from Queens Pedestrian Knockdowns

Our Queens pedestrian knockdown lawyers understand that victims may have a wide range of personal injuries after being hit by a car. This is because even minor taps can result in serious personal injuries due to the fact that a victim has not protective equipment around him or her. Some of the most common injuries after being hit by a motor vehicle that our law firm may handle include the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Spinal cord injuries (SCI)
  • Paralysis such as quadriplegia or paraplegia
  • Amputations
  • Broken bones or fractured bones
  • Organ injuries, particularly liver lacerations or long contusions
  • Nerve injuries such as brachial plexus injuries or facial nerve injuries
  • Road rash or significant disfigurement from scars
  • Torn ligaments or meniscus in the knees
  • Torn tendons in the shoulder
  • Back and neck injuries, and
  • Any other injuries caused in a pedestrian knockdown case.

Were You Hit by a Car in Queens, NYC, Long Island, or Anywhere Else in New York? We Can Help

Our experienced Queens pedestrian knockdown lawyers accept cases on a contingency fee agreement which means you only pay us once the defendant pays you. This means there is no risk to call our law firm to learn how we can help protect your rights to compensation after you have been hit by a car. Call the COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. by dialing 800-247-8164 for a FREE case evaluation or use our convenient and easy-to-use contact us box available here.
